
Social Cohesion, Peace and Justice

UPHWO believes that social cohesion, peace and justice are essential for the development and well-being of people in Burundi. We support the promotion of social cohesion, peace and justice, and the prevention and resolution of conflicts, in various domains such as human rights, reconciliation, dialogue, and security. We have one main program that aims to:

  • Foster social cohesion, peace and justice among the people of Burundi: We help the people of Burundi to overcome the legacy of violence and division, and to build a culture of peace and justice. We provide them with human rights education, psychosocial support, and legal assistance. We also support their reconciliation, dialogue, and coexistence, by facilitating the participation and representation of diverse groups, such as women, youth, ethnic minorities, and refugees, in the peacebuilding process. We also strengthen their security and access to justice, by enhancing the capacities and accountability of the security and justice institutions, and by promoting the rule of law and the respect for human rights.

How we help

We are United Partners for Humanitarian Welfare (UPHWO), a non-governmental organization that works to improve the lives and well-being of people in Burundi, especially those affected by poverty, conflict, displacement, or marginalization. We have one main program that aims to:

  • Social cohesion, peace and justice: We empower the people of Burundi to live in harmony and dignity, and to enjoy their rights and freedoms. We provide them with human rights education, psychosocial support, and legal assistance, and we support their reconciliation, dialogue, and coexistence. We also enhance their security and access to justice, and we advocate for the rule of law and the respect for human rights.
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