


UPHWO believes that protection is a fundamental human right and a core humanitarian principle. We support the protection of people in Burundi, especially those who are exposed to violence, abuse, exploitation, or discrimination. We work in various domains such as child protection, fight against trafficking and abuses, fight against gender-based violence, and older persons protection. We have four main programs that aim to:

Protect children

Children are the future of our society, but they are also the most vulnerable to violence, abuse, and exploitation. At United Partners for Humanitarian Welfare (UPHWO), we are committed to protecting children from all forms of harm such as physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, neglect, exploitation, and trafficking and ensuring their well-being.

We believe that every child has the right to live in dignity and security, as enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

We provide children with safe spaces where they can play, learn, and heal from their traumas. We offer them psychosocial support and legal assistance to help them cope with their situations and seek justice. We also enhance their access to quality education, health care, and recreation, to foster their physical, mental, and social development.

We advocate for the respect and fulfillment of these rights, and we work with governments, communities, and other stakeholders to create a protective environment for children.

We are united by our passion and dedication to protect children and empower them to reach their full potential. Join us today and help us make a difference in the lives of children in Burundi.

Fight Against Trafficking and Abuses

Trafficking and abuses of people are serious human rights violations that affect millions of people around the world, especially women and girls. They are often subjected to forced labor, sexual exploitation, or other forms of coercion and violence. At United Partners for Humanitarian Welfare (UPHWO), we are determined to fight against these crimes and to protect the victims.

We provide a range of services to prevent, protect, and recover from trafficking and abuses. These include:

  • Awareness raising: We educate the public and the potential victims about the risks and signs of trafficking and abuses. We also raise awareness among the media, the policymakers, and the civil society about the magnitude and the impact of these issues.
  • Identification: We help identify and rescue the victims of trafficking and abuses, in collaboration with the authorities and other partners. We also provide them with legal assistance and support them in their claims for justice and compensation.
  • Protection: We offer safe and dignified shelter to the victims of trafficking and abuses, where they can receive medical care, counseling, and psychosocial support. We also ensure their safety and security, and respect their privacy and confidentiality.
  • Recovery: We assist the victims of trafficking and abuses in their reintegration into society. We provide them with education, vocational training, and income-generating opportunities. We also help them reconnect with their families and communities, and rebuild their lives.

We also work to address the root causes and drivers of trafficking and abuses, such as poverty, inequality, and lack of opportunities. We empower the vulnerable groups, especially women and girls, to access their rights and opportunities. We also advocate for the improvement of the legal and policy frameworks to prevent and combat trafficking and abuses, and to hold the perpetrators accountable.

We are not just an organization, we are a movement. We are united by our passion and commitment to fight against trafficking and abuses, and to protect the dignity and freedom of every human being. Join us today and help us make a difference in the lives of the people in Burundi.

Fight Against Gender-Based Violence

Gender-based violence is a global human rights issue that affects millions of people, mainly women and girls, because of their gender. It can take many forms, such as physical, sexual, emotional, or economic violence, and it can happen in any setting, such as the home, the workplace, the school, or the community. At United Partners for Humanitarian Welfare (UPHWO), we are committed to fighting against gender-based violence and to supporting the survivors.

We provide comprehensive and survivor-centered services to the survivors of gender-based violence. These include:

  • Medical care: We ensure that the survivors receive timely and appropriate medical attention, including treatment of injuries, prevention of infections, and reproductive health care.
  • Psychosocial support: We offer counseling and therapy to the survivors to help them cope with the trauma and heal from the emotional wounds. We also provide them with peer support and self-care activities to enhance their well-being.
  • Legal aid: We assist the survivors in accessing legal services and justice, such as filing complaints, obtaining protection orders, and seeking compensation. We also accompany them to court hearings and police stations, and protect them from further harassment or threats.
  • Economic empowerment: We empower the survivors to become financially independent and self-reliant, by providing them with education, vocational training, and income-generating opportunities. We also help them access social protection and other benefits.

We also work to prevent and reduce gender-based violence, by challenging the harmful norms and attitudes that perpetuate it, and by engaging men and boys as allies and agents of change. We do this by:

  • Raising awareness: We educate the public and the stakeholders about the causes and consequences of gender-based violence, and the ways to prevent and respond to it. We also campaign for the elimination of gender-based violence and the promotion of gender equality.
  • Changing behaviors: We conduct workshops and trainings for various groups, such as community leaders, religious leaders, teachers, health workers, and security personnel, to sensitize them on gender-based violence and to equip them with skills and tools to prevent and address it. We also work with men and boys to challenge their stereotypes and attitudes, and to encourage them to respect and support women and girls.
  • Influencing policies: We advocate for the implementation and enforcement of laws and policies that protect and empower women and girls, and that prevent and punish gender-based violence. We also monitor and evaluate the effectiveness and impact of these laws and policies, and provide recommendations for improvement.

Protect Older Persons

Older persons are valuable members of our society, but they are often overlooked and discriminated against. They face many challenges, such as poverty, isolation, abuse, and lack of access to basic services. At United Partners for Humanitarian Welfare (UPHWO), we are committed to protecting older persons and ensuring their dignity, respect, and care.

We provide older persons with access to basic services, such as health, nutrition, and social protection. We ensure that they receive quality and affordable health care, adequate and nutritious food, and social security and pensions. We also help them cope with emergencies and disasters, and provide them with humanitarian assistance when needed.

We also support older persons’ active and healthy aging, by enhancing their participation and contribution in their families and communities. We encourage them to share their wisdom, skills, and experience with younger generations, and to engage in social, cultural, and recreational activities. We also promote their physical, mental, and emotional well-being, by providing them with education, counseling, and self-care opportunities.

We also advocate for the recognition and realization of the rights of older persons, as enshrined in the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Older Persons in Africa. We work with governments, civil society, and other stakeholders to create policies and laws that protect and empower older persons, and to monitor and evaluate their implementation and impact.

We are not just an organization, we are a movement. We are united by our passion and dedication to protect older persons and to celebrate their contributions to society. Join us today and help us make a difference in the lives of older persons in Burundi.

Handicap Person Inclusion and protection

Handicap person inclusion is the process of ensuring that people with disabilities have equal opportunities and access to all aspects of society, such as education, employment, health, and participation. At United Partners for Humanitarian Welfare (UPHWO), we are committed to promoting handicap person inclusion and to supporting the rights and dignity of people with disabilities.

We provide a range of services to enhance handicap person inclusion. These include:

  • Accessibility: We improve the physical and digital accessibility of public and private spaces, such as schools, workplaces, health centers, and transport systems. We also provide assistive devices and technologies, such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, and software, to enable people with disabilities to overcome barriers and to communicate effectively.
  • Education: We support the inclusive education of children and adults with disabilities, by providing them with quality and adapted learning materials, training teachers and educators, and facilitating their integration and interaction with their peers. We also advocate for the implementation of inclusive education policies and standards, and for the elimination of discrimination and stigma in the education system.
  • Employment: We facilitate the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labor market, by providing them with vocational training, career guidance, and job placement services. We also work with employers and businesses to create inclusive and accessible workplaces, and to raise awareness on the benefits and rights of hiring people with disabilities.
  • Participation: We empower people with disabilities to participate and contribute in their families and communities, by enhancing their social and civic skills, and by creating opportunities for them to engage in cultural, recreational, and political activities. We also support the organizations and networks of people with disabilities, and help them to advocate for their rights and interests.

We also work to address the root causes and drivers of exclusion and discrimination of people with disabilities, such as poverty, inequality, and lack of awareness. We raise awareness and sensitize the public and the stakeholders on the situation and the potential of people with disabilities, and on the importance of handicap person inclusion for the development and the well-being of society. We also collaborate with the authorities and other actors to implement and enforce laws and policies that protect and empower people with disabilities, and that promote handicap person inclusion.

We are not just an organization, we are a movement. We are united by our passion and dedication to promote handicap person inclusion, and to support the rights and dignity of every person. Join us today and help us make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities in Burundi.

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